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Hello ninjas,
The new season is approaching fast.
Here are the key changes for the upcoming season that have already been implemented.

- New monsters (Depth Monsters and Sharks).
- New items like Green Beast Set, Depth items, Red Gem and more... (You can find the items on the website).
- Cost to enter the hot springs.
- Item Lighter limited by fuel.
- Listing on the market taxed.
- Casino!
- Naruto Bridge Defense event! (temporary commands: !joinBridge)
- New graphic option to set fade floor speed.
- Lots of refreshed pixel art.
- New places on the map.
- Collectibles - Ninja cards (Initial stage).
- Travel destination selection through Hawk Towers is now pictorial.
- A new type of monster where the monster doesn't see the enemy until it gets close enough.
- Colored name of items in Loot tab.
- Chips for Chouji.
- New annihilator quest.

- Keyboard shortcut to enable full screen mode disabled.
- Global exp multiplier has been reduced from x5 to x4, and the loot rate has been decreased from 170% to 140%.
- Kakuzu Heart no longer requires a premium account to summon and only appears to collect items from defeated monsters. Kakuzu Heart is no longer summoned by the Kuchiyose technique and in about a year this technique will be deleted. Attention! During this time, be sure to log in to the game with characters that can summon Kakuzu Heart so that the spell will be turned into a part of your character.
- Gatekeepers jutsu cooldown increased, auto-attack damage increased.
- Simian Ninja doton jutsu percent chance decreased from 100 to 80, auto-attack damage increased.
- Giant Juubi Clone jutsu cooldown increased, auto-attack damage increased.
- Prison Guard jutsu cooldown increased, auto-attack damage increased.
- Dash cooldown increased to 2s.

- Jutsu bar fix.
Note: If you encounter problems with the jutsu bar, I encourage you to delete the old character configuration from C:\Users\Your_name\naruto_story\characters\your_character
- Blocked walking for people without chakra control who went to relax and swim in the middle of the hot springs.
- Neutral monsters didn't react when we were too far away.

Beta changes:
- Red Gem and Diamonds enabled.
- Blue Oinin Vest in craft recipe instead of Oinin Vest.
- The platform on Satori appears a second time if Satori is alive after 10 minutes. Satori disappears after 20 minutes if no one has defeated him.
- Springs Caretaker is next to the dollar stand, which means it's a paid area.
- Enslaved Giant Drill-Beaked Bird says Skraaa when loot Black Feather.
- More Depth Monsters.

Road to go:
- During this season, a large hunting ground with dinosaurs is planned, including two new missions.
- Refreshed pirate monsters and a new pirate set for level 400.
- Star Village, where we will train 3 times faster!
- Weapon rework to make them even more unique.

Insight into the progress of work, the ability to have a real impact on changes much faster, and direct contact with me have been made possible through the Patreon page.
I encourage those interested to subscribe and participate in the development of the game.

Follow our social media profiles and pages. The news is often there:

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News image #0

Hello ninjas,
Today we have introduced a patch!
Merry Christmas, the calendar event is back!

- Battle module completely improved, no fps drops at all.
- Captcha ban removed.
- Auto-walk improved.
- Market History added.
- Christmas Calendar added.
- New NPC (Furniture Maker) with house decorations added.
- New summon - Black Dragon added.
- Client optimization.

- Sabaku Kyuu pernament outfit bug fixed.

- As the promotion has ended and we are aware that we often change chakra release and barrier when changing characters, we decided to change the price of the change from 600 to 400 permanently.
- As promised, Halloween Boxes are gone, and changing your character is even more profitable, with a 40% promotion!
- Christmas Pass now available in the NSC Shop!

Follow our social media profiles and pages. The news is often there:

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News image #0

Hello ninjas,
Today we have introduced a patch!

- To increase security, we have added a captcha code when logging in.
- Show choose item window option added.
- Batcandies with power of Batlord for the final event winners of Halloween event.
- Take back all market confirmation.
- An icon in the party module informing that an ally has written something in the party chat.
- New limit: You can search for a player 30 times per hour.
- 4x Halloween box and 50 Golden Pumpkins removed from NSC Shop. If you need Halloween skin because of Batcandies you can still buy one Halloween box.

- Sakura: Saikan chushutsu no jutsu removed stuns from allies across the map. Unlike Sakura's ultimate, this jutsu was not intended to affect such an area. We shorten it to the screen range.
- We love the jump and dash system, but unfortunately the speed values achieved thanks to them are too high. Therefore, we limit the maximum speed thanks to dash to 2500.
- Cauterization no longer affects heal given, but heal received.
- After returning to its spawn, the boss removes its summons.
- New rare skin from Referral, 25th Baam.
- Zabuza: Hisenken warning color changed. Kirigakure no Jutsu opacity changed. Bonus to auto attack increased from 60 to 65%.
- Sasuke: Enteon Yasaka no Magatama deals damage one at a time, does not stack.
- Taking into account your suggestions, we decided to balance the rank bonuses for auto attack and jutsu damage. Back in the day, when there were no auto casts, we believed that jutsu required more effort and we wanted to emphasize the importance of jutsu damage. Now, however, the game seems more automated, so thank you for this suggestion.

- Auto cast text bug fix.

- Please note that there is currently a promotion on the server for Kakuzu Heart, Set Chakra Form and Character change. In the next patch, the promotions and Halloween box will disappear, apart from the Character change, which will be even better (-40%).
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